99 research outputs found

    Brand Policy and Brand Equity

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    Intangibles, Global Networks & Corporate Social Responsibility

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    Network organisations emphasise the importance of corporate and product intangible assets. In global competition, the managerial economics of intangibles imposes new network policies of corporate social responsibility, dominated by global social issues such as economic sustainability, eco-responsibility, worker protection and so on.Intangible Assets; Network; Global Competition; Corporate Social Responsibility DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.4468/2010.2.02brondoni

    Ouverture de 'Market-Driven Management and Competitive Customer Value - 1'

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    The globalisation of the market generates unprecedented over-supply well in excess of the market potential. This oversupply thus becomes a structural factor of development. In open markets, global competition has set new rules (manufacturing delocalisation, global distribution players, competitive imitation, instable and non-loyal consumption) which have significantly scaled down the model of economic development based on the isolated small and medium sized enterprise without global networking relations. Instead they emphasise the importance of a robust national development policy based on the 'identity of the industrial system', in other words on precise 'intangible macro-system factors'.Market-Driven Management; Global Competition; Global Networking; Over-Supply; Competitive Customer Value
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